We create great target lists using LinkedIn Sales Navigator and sales intelligence software, and then close sales for you with branded sales campaigns.
your prospects will not buy on linkedin
These LinkedIn Proxy Sales allow you to rekindle or begin relationships from which sales can take pace off LinkedIn.
1st Degree connections
We use sales intelligence software to identify your best prospects, narrowing your 1st Degree connections by demographic and firmographic criteria. We then include the best prospects in a new sales pipeline that you approve. Finally, we pursue these prospects off LinkedIn as your branded sales rep.
2nd Degree connections
We create filters for you on Sales Navigator and identify great prospects, drafting connection requests from you to these prospects. When prospects accept an invitation, they receive a soft introduction to us. We add them to own pipeline and sell to them off LinkedIn as a branded sales prep.
untapped resources
You are probably underappreciating your 1st Degree connections on LinkedIn, and you are very likely ignoring your 2nd Degree connections on LinkedIn.
These LinkedIn Proxy Services allow you to make the most of these connections.